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Create your own wishful universe

"Life is what we make of it.” We have all been told that a countless times. But do any of us take the time to understand this statement?

Life can be beautiful, exactly the way we want it. There can be a world where there is peace and prosperity, where you are surrounded by the people you love and respect. All it requires is a change in perception and the realisation that we can create a world as we want it.
We see what we choose to see and believe what we decide to believe. If we choose to focus on the goodness around, we won’t encounter the bad.
Every experience that we currently perceive as negative and painful will then be perceived as a part of learning and growth. If we choose to trust, then betrayal will remain only if there is a lesson to be learnt from it.
Yet, our shortcoming is that most of us are not in the habit of trusting in the goodness and in our power to create. We are taught that people don’t do things without a personal reason and that there must be an ulterior motive.
We believe that we are slaves to our destiny rather than the creators ourselves. As legend goes, all that the creator needed to create this universe was to say “So be it”, Tathastu or Kun Fayakun. We too create the universe we desire.
If we believe that our life is beautiful, then it will be so. Once we understand that all our relationships — good, bad and ugly — have been created by us, then we will see that every relationship is there in our life to teach us a lesson and to help us grow.
If we feel betrayed in all our relationships, it is because at a deeper level we need to learn a lesson from them. If there is a generic negative reaction from others, we need to learn to see ourselves differently. The people around us are simply mirrors. They just reflect what we feel internally. How they react to us is actually an insight on how we feel inside.
They are also the way they are because if they were different we wouldn’t be able to grow and learn through them.
Since we create all that is, why not create it responsibly? Why not get the most out of our relationships, work and selves? Why not actually plan what we desire? All we need to do is to have clarity of thought about how we want our lives to be.
The main ingredient in creating our desired universe is “trust”. If only we could trust ourselves, our wisdom and our power to create, we would be able to create a fulfilling life. Trust creates pure intent. The moment one doubts, the purity of that intent goes away and so does the authenticity of one’s creation. Doubt creates doubt.
When we know what we want, getting it becomes very easy. Another choice that we have is in seeing the goodness in people rather than their faults. Each individual has strengths and weaknesses. Most of us, out of habit, focus only on the weaknesses of the people around us. However, if our associations are negative, then our relationships will also be so.
The day we choose to also notice the positives along with the shortcomings of people, is the day that our relationships with them will change. The relationships that are beautiful in our lives are so because we choose to see them as beautiful.
Doesn’t one overlook the weaknesses of people who mean a lot to one? Learning to overlook or accept the sh-ortcomings of others is the biggest step we can take to making our lives peaceful and positive. Focus on positive and positive will happen. Think of peace, prosperity, happiness and love, and in one’s universe just command, “So be it!”


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